SOKOLOV Viatcheslav Nickolaevich
Head of Soilscience Laboratory, Doctor of Science in Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics, Professor
Office address: Department of Engineering and
Ecological Geology, Faculty of Geology
of the Moscow State University, Vorobyovy gory,
Moscow, 119992, Russia
Phone.: +7-095-939-34-69;
E-mail: sokolov@geol.msu.ru
Academic degree: Moscow State University, Professor, Doctor of Science in Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics, 1988.
Professional positions: Head of the laboratory of soil science and soil stabilization in Faculty of Geology of the Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Areas of interest: microstructural studies of soils and rocks, physical and chemical mechanics of pore dispersed systems, quantitative microstructural analysis.
Publications: more then 280 scientific works including 6 books and 12 Patents.
Selected publications:
· Physical-Chemical aspects of the mechanical behaviour of clay soils. Engineering Geology, 1985, No. 4, pp. 28-41 (in Russian)
· Engineering geological classification of clay microstructure. Proc. Of VI-th Int. Congress of the IAEG. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1990, pp. 753-760.
· The application of the SEM images processing for estimation of the capacity and filtration properties of oil and gas contained rocks. Bulletin of RAS, Physics, 1990, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp. 94-98 (co-author V.A.Kuzmin)
· Analysis of SEM-stereoimages. Bulletin of RAS, Physics, 1996, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 55-64. (co-authors V.N.Mel’nik, D.I.Yurkovets).
· Computer-controlled system for the study of micromorphology of the surface of solids by SEM images. Surface Investigation, 1998, Vol. 14, pp. 33-41. (co-authors D.I.Yurkovets V.N.Mel’nik, O.V.Razgulina)
· Saponite clay tailing treatment by artificial sedimentation. Proc. of the International Symposium on suction, swelling, permeability and structure of clays. Clay science for engineering. K.Adachi and M.Fukue (eds). 2001. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 475-484. (co-authors Tchistiakov A.A., Osipov V.I., Buu-Long Nguen.)
· 3D reconstruction of surface and subsurface structures of solids by SEM stereo images. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. ¹ 168: Section 4. Electron Microscopy and Analysis 2001. Proc. Of the Institute of Physics Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference, University of Dundee, 5-7 September 2001. Institute of Physics Publishing. Bristol and Philadelphia, p. 119-122. (co-authors Yurkovets D.I., Melnik V.N., Boyde A., Howell P.G.T.)
· Clay seals of oil and gas deposits. A.A.Balkema Publishers / Lisse / Abingdon / Exton (PA)/ Tokio, 2004, 288 p. (co-authors Osipov V.I., Eremeev V.V.).
· Investigation of the characteristics of the solid microstructure with the computer analysis of the SEM-images. Bulletin of RAS, Physics, 2004, Vol. 68, No. 9, pp. 1332-1337. (co-authors D.I.Yurkovets, O.V.Razgulina, V.N.Mel’nik) (In Russian).
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