Geochemistry International, Vol. 41, Suppl. 2, 2003, pp. S145-S312.
Geochemical and Thermodynamic Models for the
of Low- and Medium-Temperature Vein
and Metasomatism in the Wall Rocks
Geochemical and Thermodynamic Models for the
Genesis of Low- and Medium-Temperature Vein
Mineralization and Metasomatism in the Wall Rocks
M. V. Borisov
Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University, Vorob’evy Gory, Moscow, 119992 Russia
Received January 29, 2003
Abstract - The paper presents a systematic analysis of the genetic conditions and principal features of zoning in orebodies and related wall-rock aureoles at low- and medium-temperature vein hydrothermal deposits from the standpoint of the thermodynamic simulation of mineralizing processes. The author employs the equilibrium-dynamic approach, in which any process is visualized as a succession of equilibrium states with certain dynamical elements. Generalized models are developed for ore-forming hydrothermal systems at base-metal and uranium deposits, including the regions in which the primary mineralizing solutions are formed and those of ore deposition and the development of aureoles. The monograph is addressed to geologists dealing with mineral deposits and geochemists and can be utilized by students and postgraduates as a guide to simulating mineralizing processes.
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- Abstract, Preface & Contents (291KB)
- Chapter 1 (pages S148-S159 1276KB)
- Chapter 2 (pages S159-S180 2175KB)
- Chapter 3 (pages S180-S228 4908KB)
- Chapter 4 (pages S228-S240 1357KB)
- Chapter 5 (pages S240-S253 1412KB)
- Chapter 6.1 (pages S253-S268 1360KB)
- Chapter 6.2 (pages S268-S287 1573KB)
- Chapter 6.3 (pages S287-S303 1491KB)
- Conclusion &References (pages S303-S312 1180KB)
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